Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wrapped in the Father's Arms

Shelly went to therapy today and the therapist recommended that she wear tape on her fingers to help hold them open, but have them usable. The therapist said to wear them from after morning chores til dinner time. As we were leaving the therapist's office Shelly was disgusted and wanted to remove the masking tape from her fingers. I told her to leave them on until dinner time. As we discussed the reason for leaving the tape on her fingers, the Father impressed upon me to talk about rebellion.

There are things the Father tells us to do while he has us wrapped in his arms. When we do them we remain in the safety of his arms, warm and protected from the devices of the enemy. Sometimes there are tests while we are in His arms. If we stay in His arms we will pass the tests. But sometimes we don't want to do what we are asked. The tests are uncomfortable and we want to push away. Imagine hugging a child and the child pushing to get away.

The Father doesn't hold us against our will. If we push away, He will let go. I remember my children pushing away when I hugged them. It feels horrible. Oh, how sad the Father must feel when we push away, when we rebel.

I told Shelly to be careful of rebellion, the Father can't protect us as well if we aren't in His arms, in His will. He wants to keep us safe, but if we continue to push away, we might get hurt. He has such a wonderful plan for each of us. Let's stay in the safety of His arms and experience how awesome He directs our lives!

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