Monday, July 27, 2009

Lessons From Geese

I live on a small farm and each day Yah teaches me something about Himself through our farm. This past week or two we have had a gaggle of geese visiting on their way to their summer home. It amazes me how geese will visit the same places year after year on their journeys, never forgetting where they stayed last time they came through. A lesson many of us should learn as we read through Yah's word year after year, keeping our journey straight, not straying from truth, following Yah's instruction and guidance so that we will be safe and have all our needs met.

There are so many lessons to glean from these wonderful creatures. How do they choose where to stay? Are they led by the Holy One, as we should be, to safe, abundant places? And why have they chosen here, now? We have lived here for 10 years and only this past year have the geese chosen our pond. Has Abba sent them to us for a time in the future that only He knows, like quail in the wilderness? Maybe I have more questions than answers, but as I contemplate the geese, I will listen to Abba's leading and teaching to learn more lessons from the geese.

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