Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dream ~ "Fallout"

Some time after conflicts have occurred, we are residing in some community with various people , possibly on our land or some other location. There are some military that are based there (light battalion size under 200 personnel combat service/service support unit). The community is not fenced in or contained. I am working on some piece of equipment (insignificant), there is a pallet of ceramic tile size 18”x18”. Also there are military and other people milling around my area. Someone comes over and discretely asks for some tile for a specific purpose, I give them a visual acknowledgment and they take what they need and leave. Shortly after some military person decides to help their self to some of the tile and walks away from my area. I ask him to stop and return the tiles, he continues to walk away. I confront him and there is a minor struggle and I put him in a blood choke and I tell him to go to sleep (blood choke is similar to a forearm neck choke, V of forearm is under chin, the other arm is braced behind and below the knot of the head while applying pressure will cut off blood circulation to the brain and the person blacks out quickly.
Scene of the dream changes to another country, the location is familiar from some past dream so I know the terrain. Chris is with me. We are walking down some alleyway. There are barriers to our walking and we step over them. For some reason I say this is how they did the DFAC (dinning facility) for some holiday meal with the seating bench running diagonally from a corner wall, and then someone (a former soldier, female,) says “yes that's how they did the DFAC where I was stationed”. She invites us in (the place becomes a home with lots of people in it). For some reason I seem to recognize her. We are all socializing, I then go outside with my coffee cup and pipe. While I am outside there seems to be some form of black ash accumulating in the area. Everything starts moving in slow motion then I recognize that it is fallout, then I resume normal motion. I go back inside the house and alert everyone to close all windows and to turn off HVAC and to increase the fire in the wood stove to keep out fallout. End of dream.