Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time of Shouting and Atonement!

This is the time of Trumpets/Shouting/War and for repenting for our sins.

Have you heard the call from our Father?!
Are you watching the signs in the sky and in nature?

We are entering a time for all who believe and sh'ma (hear and obey) YHVH to prepare our hearts, mind, body, and spirit for the coming messiah, ben David! The days of playing church will be your destruction. Abba wants a personal relationship with us to come and be in His presence, not some faux persona that YOU believe making YOU to think that YOU are one of His elect/select ones'.

His call has already went out. Some have responded and returned back to Him. Some have heard and do not know what to do. Some have heard and went back to their lives of comfort (peace and safety and security) which will be to their own destruction.

We must remember who rules the entire multiverse! We must know and understand who/whom our adversary(s) are (satans'). We can be the adversary, our Father can be our adversary (still points back to us), or the one who has fallen and is the prince of this earth.

Nature is preparing for this age of man to end and is ready to purge itself of the bile that has been poured out by us and also the watchers that left their abode. Those watchers that have fallen who gave us knowledge that were to stay in the heavens.

We Adon, (man) think that we have new knowledge. We do not. We are re-learning knowledge from old, re-gaining mysteries that were forbidden to us. Falling into the trap/plan to make our own image, making ourselves as god, just as the one who has fallen and rules this present earth wants to do. We will not, just as the one who has fallen will not. We have increased Data (PETA-BYTES) of information that we call knowledge!!! Nothing new under the sun.

It is time that the creation (us) return, t'shuva back to our Father. Back to the covenant that He gave to us in the beginning. Return our hearts back to the land of promise. Return to the land that our Father put HIS name in. That time will come. Messiah will make that happen, not man! Our Sar Shalom will make that happen.

These ramblings of mine are in preparation for the time of the end of warning. Soon, no more will the warning go forth. Soon we will be sent to our valley of Jehoshaphat, our valley of decision! What will we choose? Life everlasting? Death for eternity (separation from our Father).

This is the time that we must return to the root. The root of our heritage that has been hidden from us. Do not think that ALL Israel has returned. The house of Judah has returned and has not been divorced, she has kept the customs, instructions, the things that we misconstrue as law, our Father's Torah! The house of Israel WAS divorced. She has not kept the things that Judah remembered to keep. The house of Israel is still scattered to the ends of the earth. Some are looking toward the promise and know who they are. Some know and recognize others that are family (part of the whole house of Israel) and are able to tell others so that they will know whom they belong to. Still others feel and know that something is different about themselves and are being drawn to look toward the land of promise and to learn who they are.

Where do you stand?! Are you locked in your own understanding and strong delusions, about what our Father has given us? Whose agenda do you follow?! Man, or, YHVH!

Choose wisely. To not choose is to make a choice. If you sit on the fence, you are sitting on the barbs that will catch you.

 This is the end of my ramblings for the time being.



Sunday, September 12, 2010

Studying the Words of Yah

Many divisions in the body have been caused by the interpretation of the Word of Yah. It is a sad commentary on the believers who only know the English or any 'translated' version of the word, because they understand the word from the translation they read from. I love to study the meanings of words and have enjoyed learning that every Hebrew word has many layers of meaning. Yah is amazing, he uses idioms and word puns, he uses numbers and multiple meanings to tell us who he is and what he expects from us. No, I don't read Hebrew, but with a few free tools from the internet I have found that studying word meanings is not that difficult. Let me give you some examples of word meanings.

Exo 16:29 See, for that the LORD hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.

I have talked to people with very diverse understandings of this verse. The sages have decided that there are a certain number of steps that one should take and no more. But let's look at the word itself.
The first occurrence of place in this scripture is 'tachath' it is also found in many verses interpreted under.

,v, tav hey tav pronounced 'tachath'
Brown-Driver-Briggs gives these definitions:
'under, beneath, what is under one, in one's place, under the hand of'
it is related to the word 'toach' which means to be under, subjection, or lowly, both from a root that means depressed.

In the ancient word pictures this word would mean this:

,       v   ,
a mark or sign  to reveal  a mark or sign
= the revealed sign

Sabbath is a mark or sign that we belong to Yah. I would interpret this word as being humble and subjecting one's self to the word as in obedience.

The second word for place in the verse above is not the same Hebrew word. In this occurrence we have the word 'maqom'

xen mem koof mem pronounced 'maqom'
Brown-Driver-Briggs gives these definitions:
'standing place, post, abode, city, land, region'
from it's root, 'qum' which means to rise, endure, fulfill

In the ancient word pictures this word would mean this:

    x    e   n
water, mighty, flow,  back of head, follow,  water, mighty, flow,chaos, 
chaos, to come from         behind, last, final  to come from

Several meanings can be found in this word from the paleo.
Come from behind
Chaos leads to being last, least
Mighty to the end

Again, in reference to Sabbath, this word can have several meanings: home, city, region, land, all interpretations are correct. The key is to seek the guidance of the Spirit of Yah (Ruach H'Chodesh – Breath of the Holy) so that we 'Come from Behind' and stay 'Mighty to the End!'

You can see that with a little research, you can learn more about the Word, The Creator, how we are to live and begin building your relationship with him through seeking His guidance to see how you are to keep His Word daily.

Here are some of the resources I used for this quick word study above.
E-sword www.e-sword.netThis is a free downloadable Bible. I used the KJV+ that includes Strongs references. You will want to download the Strongs and the Brown-Driver-Briggs references, also. I also enjoy 'The Scriptures' and the KJV 1611 along with several other translations.

ISA Interlinear www.scripture4all.orgThis is a free downloadable Interlinear Bible. I love this to see the grammar, position, and meanings of words around the word being studied. It helps with context.
Hebrew Word Pictures, by Dr. Frank T. SeekinsThis is not free but is a wonderful resource for getting deeper into the meanings of the words by using the word pictures.

Some other resources:
Ancient Hebrew
Foundations Ministries www.foundationsmin.orgThey have a great article on Hebrew idioms found in the New Covenant. Check out their studies page!