Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shavuot Rest!

G-d in His infinite wisdom knows us better than ourselves! This past couple of months has been a busy time on the the farm as we have been preparing the garden, planting, weeding and working hard as we grow our food for the upcoming year. From Pesach to Shavuot we scurry around, hauling manure, tilling the soil, building raised beds, planting seeds, planting plants, and all the bussle of the garden that comes with spring. Then we arrive at Shavuot. It is amazing because after all that work, G-d provides a weekend of Sabbath Rest. Oh, do we need it at this point, and He knows it! I love His forethought and wisdom for us and how he has planned our lives so perfectly (if we would only look.)

Unfortunately, my garden is not completely done, but the rest is appreciated! Praise Him for his Excellent Greatness! (Ps. 150)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This is a significant year for YHWH festivals. In particular this Shavuot or Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost.

During the time when our Messiah was on the earth as the first Adam of His seventy week ministry. The passover, unleavened bread and Shavuot fall on the same days of the weeks.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Religion is Man's attempt to bridge the void caused by sin between the Father and His creation. Yashua is the only bridge and religion falls far short. Living the Torah through Yeshua's salvation is true life and the only bridge that can bring us into the Shekinah of the Father.