Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas???

Hi to all my Friends and Family!

I want to share some information with you. This may be a bit unusual but I wanted to share something very close to my heart. I would like you to consider watching a video that explains the pagan roots of our Christian Faith! It is a difficult video because it shakes up what we believe is the foundation of our faith in Messiah. 

This is a 9 part video and takes about 90 minutes so watch it when you have some time to sit.

I will be happy to talk with you about this information and how we should celebrate Messiah throughout the year!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Paradigm Shifts

Hello to all,
For the past months I've been feeling that we are in a renewed paradigm. Everything is and is not what it appears to be. All things are right and wrong at the same time. I feel that this paradigm shift started some time in 2009 and is progressing at a varied pace, not based on our perspective. It has been difficult for me to put into words or explain.

Recently, a friend sent my wife a prophecy that was written several years ago and in light of our world situation and the feeling I have I wanted to share it. It puts into words the paradigm shift that I've been feeling.

Clipped from the email

ANDREW's NOTE:  I believe this is one of the most powerful words that I have seen in the last 5 years. It comes from a Christian lawyer from India named Swarna Jha - and it was posted on our Forum a couple of years ago. Time to re-read it again-

-by S. Jha.

I saw this vision on the 22nd of August 2006

I saw a Lion. I walked with Him to a very high Rock. The Lion then Climbed the Rock, and Stood on the very top of this high Rock. I stood below, looking up at Him.

He let out a LOUD ROAR.

And EVERYTHING in the atmosphere / universe changed.

In a flash I had a 360 degree vision, and what I am about to relate happened in a flash, but I spent the whole of the 22nd of August, just waiting on God to see in 'slow motion', what I had seen in a speedy flash, and understand what I had seen.

I was told that my mind could not grasp the vastness of the changes I saw in the Vision. So I stayed at home, and did not take up any duties but spent the whole day, off and on, every few hours just re-visiting this vision and seeing it unfurl in more detail, now at a speed that I could cope with. I don't think I have ever seen such a lengthy vision, condensed into a 360-degree vision flash before.

Frame by frame this is what I saw:

I saw Empires fall, and wars begin.

I saw that where previously, formulas and general understanding were proven, it did not work any more, where there were people and places overflowing with money one moment, the next morning the moneyed had nothing.

I saw many 'proven' thoughts, and ways now nullified.

I saw that the balance was tipped in favor of the East.

I saw Angels who had been working in the North and Northwest, recalled and sent East.

I saw children snatched out of the hands of some of the parents.

Fresh food stopped in the western area and was diverted to the East. The fertile became barren and the barren became fertile.

All this, from Just One Roar of the Lion.

I saw 3 long lines of writing in the sky. It read:

Lost, Lost, Lost.

But below, it I saw the word:

Gain , gain, gain........where this line ended I could not see, as it just continued on, endlessly.

I saw that the East gained money, food, etc. The losses were loss of power, prestige, money, position.

I saw:
Where a soldier stood to load his gun, to shoot, even the last single bullet he had was taken away.

Where a soldier stood ready for packing his gun, where truce had been declared, divine bullets loaded his gun, and led him to shoot.

In the Universe, expected cosmic events were diverted and unexpected ones were brought forth.

Deserts bloomed, greenery was made barren. Light that had focused on the West, now moved East.

This was so sudden that it was like saying..."One morning I woke up, and all was changed".

(Scripture: Amos 3: 8: )
The lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy?

The Lion has Roared.

Dark clouds disintegrated from one place and gathered in another. Whilst there was a West to East exchange on a large level, on individual levels there were changes too. Everything, everything, everything, was changing.

All this from, Just One Roar of the Lion.

Just that One Roar, and things from here, were flying there and vice versa. People/ Nations, who had got used to a way of life/of thinking, were in for either a shock or a surprise.


The hungry were fed, and the fed, went hungry. All opposites were

Many homeless were housed, and many of those with homes became homeless. Light became dark and dark became light. Whatever the present situation, the opposite was happening.

Many rich became poor and many of the poor became rich.

All this, from Just One Roar of the Lion.

Clouds that were meaning to rain, suddenly disintegrated and it rained elsewhere, where least expected.

People were in puzzlement. They said to themselves, "but I thought...."  No, nothing would be as "I thought. "

Many were saying, "But it always worked this way". Now no more. For those who said, "It's never worked for me," they were surprised to know that it will, now.

Heralds blew trumpets, proclaiming: " End of empire, end of empire".

Anyone who had been a Specialist, Monopolist, the kingpin in any area of his life/business, now that would begin to end. Nations that had empires or aspirations building towards it, would now see the beginning of the end of those empires.

Nothing was the same. Everything, everything had changed.

Just One Roar Of The Lion.

And He Has Roared.

Empty pockets were filled, the filled emptied.

Strategic changes were taking place. Whatever had worked like clockwork would not work now. People of peace were making war, and warring nations calmed down.

For the warring nations it was like the wind was taken out of their

Just as Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Rome, Britain etc were all once super powers/empires, but their reign and era ended, so now any 'super power' or aspirations thereof, was being diffused. Nations that were looked up to were now beginning to be looked down upon and vice versa.

Balance of power and favor had shifted East.

Angels in the West, held Gold Books. One book was titled "Most Wanted", the other, "Most Favored".

'The Most Wanted' Book had living photographs of the most evil people, the traitors etc. Each one was dealt with and disposed.

The Most Favored, in the other gold Book with living photographs, were some of those, who had lived through most desolate conditions, such were lifted up.

(All that is related here, remember, was happening all at once.)

In the midst of all this, I heard the Angels sing: Glory, Glory,Glory.

Time was sped up in some places, in others, it was slowed down. Wild beasts were all crouching in fear, afraid. I saw the milk inside of cows curdle.

Just One Roar Of the Lion.

I saw Eagles, fitted with miniature bells. The bells were so minute, it was hard to believe that if they rang any could hear. Eagles did not speak, they just carried the bells that were fitted to their beaks. People were to 'read' the sounds.

Wheresoever the Eagles flew, to some the ringing of the bells was as a very high, deafening pitch. I was not allowed to hear this high pitch sound, but it was revealed to me, that it was an unbearable/deafening high pitch sound.

But there were others who heard the same bells, which the Eagles had attached to their beaks, and to these the sound transmitted was different. It was sheer music. I heard this. Such people, had their hands lifted high and they were happily sighing and exclaiming, "Finally!"

I saw Angels collect gold crowns from those in the North, and they dipped the crowns in a smoky place (the kind of smoke one sees with dry ice), and when the crowns emerged from the smoke, they looked exactly the same, but now they were silver.

No matter in which direction I looked all had changed.

It seemed that the very nature of nature changed.

Volcanoes that were dormant, the ashes were removed, and a new fire was lit in them. It seemed that certain species, suddenly became extinct.

Reams of paper fell from the sky; paper and pens were sent down, for Chroniclers and Historians, for it was going to be a busy time for them.

Nothing of all creation was left untouched, at Just One Roar of The Lion.

Outside, the earth looked still, but within were rapid-fire changes. Quick, sudden, some were devastating, others surprisingly favorable, but this favor was mostly for the East.

I saw what looked like a flight-path that normally airlines describe on their brochures, as routes of flights/destinations.

For prophets, their flight -paths were moved from here to there, as if randomly, but it was not random, it was the Plan of God for prophets. Prophets will be suddenly moved, and see things from a new vantage point.

I saw some people become tar, whilst others became fountains of water.

Just One Roar Of The Lion.

Many changes took place in the Universe. On earth, snows of old melted, and water in unlikely places froze.

It is no ordinary thing, when the Lion Roars.

Those dressed warm in the winter, had their clothes taken away, they were left naked. But the naked street-dweller was clothed. There was a divine transfer of wealth, knowledge, and understanding.

People, who'd talked and talked for years, had their mouths taped. But, as in Ezekiel 24: 2, those that had been mute for a season now spoke.

As the vision progressed, I heard the Lord Say: My People have no roof over their head. I Am their Roof."

I was flown speedily, over building after building, and as we flew, I heard the Lord Say: " Not Mine, not Mine, not Mine, not Mine, not Mine, not Mine, not Mine."

Now I was despairing. What then was God's?

Then I was shown, people in the fields, with instruments. They had no roof over their heads. These were God's own.

The buildings we flew over, were demolished by an elephant's trunk and many T.V. Studios had a fire underneath them. Apparently these buildings had been re-built on the same grounds where prior buildings had been condemned and burnt. These new buildings had been built on the foundations of charred remains and ashes.

I saw oil poured out from the sky, in two separate ways. One fell over people who gladly received it over them and laughed in the 'oil rain'. On the other hand, for others, the oil rain caused to be set aflame all that was below.

All that was up to the present became obsolete, and new technology, the secrets of which were hidden in nature, appeared.

Science made simple but profound discoveries. I saw Scientists have a 'Eureka' moment. For many who were researching, studying, looking for, the 'thing', it was right there before their very noses. Once they saw it they slapped their foreheads, lamenting, "Silly me!"

Follies of science were exposed. The simplicity of the discoveries to come were mind-boggling.

Just One Roar Of The Lion.

The very nature of nature seemed to be changing. It was as unbelievable as Isaiah 11: 6-8, 'the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;......

In some places, I saw an overabundance of wheat, which flowed into the sea, as it was so plentiful. But in other places, I saw land, which was once green, and was now parched land where nothing grew.

I saw beautiful blooms on cactus/desert plants.

He, who understands these changes, will prepare.

The Earth was in a global eclipse. One half had light, the other half was in darkness. It seemed that plates were shifted/removed from the earth. There were people who raged against God. " We'll do what we have to, let Him do what He Wants to", they were saying.

Trees trembled. They knew that their time to be cut had come. To many, prophets and counselors were restored, but from others, the prophets and counselors departed. Sadly, those from whom they departed noticed it not.

Focus/emphasis of the Church, and the world, due to the presence of new circumstances, changed.

All this, by Just One Roar Of The Lion.

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Encouraging Word

Shabbat Shalom, Mishpacah (Family)!
I read this newsletter this morning and found it very informative and encouraging. I clipped a portion from it and wanted to share it with you. I hope you find this as much a blessing as I have.

This is the time of Rededication of the Temple, Festival of Lights, Chanukah. We are the Temple of the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) and during this extra-Biblical festival of Chanukah we have an opportunity to re-dedicate the temple of Yah, reigniting the Light of the World (Yeshua) in our hearts.

Psa 51:5-13  "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee."

Take this time to seek the truth and begin the cleaning process, just as the Maccabees spent time cleaning the temple after it was defiled. (1 Maccabees 1-4)

Blessings to all our Family,

 Clipped from an email I received from Thurston McCutchen 

Sometimes Loved One, the road must be repeated. That is why it is a Torah Cycle(Comment: the cycle is likened to the ancient path we are to return to; a path is often considered “a beaten path” due to returning to it often) We must learn to seek YHWH for His love and compassion to download to us; for others in our lives. Sometimes we only understand after returning many times. We can read the Scriptures over and over and then out of nowhere it seems, YHWH reveals new Truth to us! I have mentioned this before but it is of great importance. I can remember telling Yahshua once that the job description of the angelic beings (Seraphim) flying around the Throne Room in Heaven and saying holy, holy is YHWH might get boring after a few thousand years. 

(Isa 6:1)  In the year that Sovereign Uzziyah died, I saw יהוה sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the Hĕḵal. (Temple) (Isa 6:2)  Above it stood seraphim. Each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. (Isa 6:3)  And one cried to another and said, “Set-apart, set-apart, set-apart isיהוה of hosts; all the earth is filled with His esteem!” (Comment: Many versions declare holy, holy is YHWH) (Isa 6:4)  And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke. (Isa 6:5)  And I said, “Woe to me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips – for my eyes have seen the sovereign, יהוה of hosts.” 

Have you ever felt unworthy? I am not talking about remembering your sin and hasatan condemning you; I am talking about worshipping the Creator until His presence envelopes you. Yes that leaves us somewhat undoneThen our loving King dropped in my spirit that He reveals more of His glory to them. (Comment: glory according to Moses’ report was a revealing of more of His goodness and mercy) This creates an instant surge of joy and enthusiasm in these angelic beings! In like manner He reveals to us as more of Himself as we seek Him with all our hearts. Why is this so important? Obviously in fiery trials and testing’s we sometimes feel abandoned and at our end. Some even become hope-less. We must join ourselves to Him by getting in His presence and being restored- regularly! 

(Rom 5:1)  Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with YHWH through our Master Yahshua Messiah, (Rom 5:2)  through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of YHWH. (Rom 5:3)  And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; (Rom 5:4)  and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; (Rom 5:5)  and hope does not disappoint, because the love of YHWH has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Truth Seekers (loved ones), we have studied and reviewed much about the coming darkness and fiery trials we can expect in the days ahead. Please do remember the Scriptures declare this Exodus will be a far greater deliverance than even Moses and Israel crossing the Red Sea. Thank you for your prayers and intercession for me as I work out what I believe or YHWH’s plans for me with fear and trembling! Don’t be disheartened- you were created by our Heavenly Father to live in these times and seasons! Be encouraged- He is well able to deliver you and your loved ones- worship Him who made Heaven and Earth! (Practically, yes, it may be a good idea to store some dry beans, whole grains, water, water purifiers, seeds, even potassium iodide in the event of nuclear terrorism, etc.) A more remote place to retreat to with like minded believers is ideal. Not on the beach for sure and at least 1000’ above sea level- please! I would encourage you to go to or and start preparing for massive Earth Changes as apparently every major world government is aware (and digging underground cities for the elite demon infested wicked rulers to escape to) of a dwarf star approaching planet earth on a 11,500 year cycle! FEAR NOT- but prepare spirit, soul and body!
Once again we need to remind ourselves why you and I and they are Family and as such you (we) are “Loved Ones”! I consider all Truth Seekers” family and therefore loved ones. Once again, here’s why; (Matthew 12:46) While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood without, desiring to speak with him.(Matthew 12:47)  Then one said unto him, Behold, your mother and your brothers  stand without, desiring to speak with you. (Matthew 12:48)  But he answered and said unto him that told him, who is my mother? And who are mybrothers?

(Matthew 12:49)  And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, behold my motherand my brothers! (Matthew 12:50) For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is inheaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. 
Understand if we are willing to humble ourselves and submit to the will of YHWH and do the Father’s will (His TORAH /Instructions)we are Yahshua’s (Jesus) family!

We should also realize a truth: Jeremiah prophesied that in the DAY OF AFFLICTION(Comment: Hebrew idiom for Jacob’s Trouble or also known as the Great Tribulation in the last days) we would recognize (YHWH reveals truth) and become aware of the fact that we have added to and subtracted from His FEASTS and commands! These are lies that really don’t please Him because they have pagan roots and are manmade (added and subtracted from the WORD) traditions that make the word of YHWH of none effect!  

(Jer 16:19)  O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. 
(Deu 4:2)  “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it1, so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you. Footnote: 1See also 12:32, Prov. 30:6, Rev. 22:18-19.

Can we even imagine thinking we were serving YHWH our whole lives’ and hear Him tell us we inherited lies and were workers of Lawlessness (Torahlessness)- that He never knew us and to depart from us; that we actually were disobedient following pagan traditions we inherited? This experience would and will cause many to go screaming in horror, weeping and gnashing of teeth, into the flames of hell!  Oh Yah- Change us NOW! Reveal your TRUTH to us that we may be pleasing in your sight! Nothing is too hard for you YHWH! You are family(LOVED ONES) if you are humble enough to be a truth searcher. One who desires truth and obedience to your Creator- more than you want acceptance from men and their traditions.

This group would include us who are willing to pick up our burial stake and follow Him. Why do I use burial stake? Because you and I must be willing to decrease as He increases in us. He changes not and that only leaves you and I to do the changing, Yahshua put it like this:  
(Matthew 16:24)  Then said Yahshua to his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, andtake up his cross, and follow me. (Matthew 16:25)  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: andwhosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it(Matthew 16:26)  For what is a man profited, ifhe shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for hissoul?

We must be willing to humble ourselves and accept the engrafted word when we discover truth.This losing our life for Him is not just physical. As we are changed into His image we are losing our old person (ality) and gaining HIM! To the degree we are hungry for Him we will be changed- no more or less.
 (Matthew 5:6)  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:for they shall be filled.

How do we hunger and thirst for righteousness?

(James 4:7)  So then subject (submit/humble) yourselves to Elohim. Resist the devil1 and he shall flee from you. Footnote: 1Or adversary. (James 4:8)  Draw near to Elohim and He shall draw near to you. Cleanse hands, sinners. And cleanse the hearts, you double-minded! (James 4:9)  Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to dejection. (James 4:10)  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Master, and He shall lift you up. You and I must change and receive the engrafted word of LIFE, (HUMBLE OURSELVES) turn in repentance and OBEY HIM. We can no longer say we love Him and not do what He says!
(Luke 6:46) And why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?

Do we call Him Lord and Master but not obey Him? Are we of those that think His LAW(Commentary: Law was translated that but it is Torah-Instructions in Hebrew) is done away with and ALL fulfilled? Hopefully, we will rethink that position! The Spring Feasts alone are fulfilled. Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Shavuot were fulfilled down to the day and hour! He was the Passover Lamb, 3 days later the High Priest was still in seclusion as was prescribed of the High Priest prior to offering the  thanksgiving for the first fruits of the Earth, when He said “Don’t touch me Mary,  I have not yet ascended to My Father.” He is and was the High Priest! Seven sevens (weeks) later He sent the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) on Shavuot, the anniversary of giving the Torah (Law) at Mt. Sinai. He came the first time to be Messiah Ben Joseph, the suffering servant to be the Lamb of YHWH (God) sacrifice.

He is coming a second time very soon as Messiah Ben David, the Reigning King! He will rule His Kingdom from Jerusalem! Is He now ruling? NO. It is not all fulfilled! Let’s look at what Yahshua said about the Law being done away with and WHEN this will occur! 
(Mat 5:17)  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill(Mat 5:18) For verily I say unto you, until heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, until all be fulfilled. (Mat 5:19)  Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven(The above verse is where Yahshua defines a PASTOR LEAST who says the law is done away with!) Even to us casual observers, heaven and earth have not passed! Let’s acknowledge that fact as a truth and return to Him as we study this week’s portion and allow Him to restore ALL things- especially us!

(Jer 30:3)  'For behold, days are coming,' declares YHWH, 'when I will restore the fortunes ofmy people Israel and Judah.' (Comment: this means you and I who are grafted into Israel by grace by faith in Yahshua and are heirs now of Abraham according to the promise) YHWH says, 'I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers and they shall possess it.'" (Jer 30:16)  'Therefore all who devour you will be devoured; and all your adversaries, every one of them, will go into captivity; and those who plunder you will be for plunder, And all who prey upon you I will give for prey. (Jer 30:17)  'For I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds,' declares YHWH, 'because they have called you an outcast, saying: "It is Zion; no one cares for her."' (Jer 30:18)  "Thus says YHWH, 'Behold, I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob and have compassion on his dwelling places; and the city will be rebuilt on its ruin, and the palace will stand on its rightful place. (Jer 30:19)  'From them will proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who celebrate; and I will multiply them and they will not be diminished; I will also honor them and they will not be insignificant. (Jer 30:20)  'Their children also will be as formerly, and their congregation shall be established before me; and I will punish all their oppressors. (Jer 30:21)  'Their leader shall be one of them, and their ruler shall come forth from their midst; and I will bring him near and he shall approach me; for who would dare to risk his life to approach me?' declares YHWH. (Jer 30:22)  'You shall be my people, and I will be your Elohim.'"

Whatever we are found trusting- better have the solid foundation under it which is Moses (Torah) and the prophets. Bo, a close friend, recently reminded me of the verse below. 
(Pro 28:8)  He who increases his possessions by interest and profit gathers it for him who shows favor to the poor. (Pro 28:9)  He who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah, even his prayer is an abomination1Footnote: 1See also 15:29, Isa. 59:1-2, John 9:31, 1 John 3:22.