Sunday, September 21, 2008

Are you listening to our Father before the end of the season?

Are you listening to our Father before the end of the season?

This past shabbat, a group of us met to discuss what our father has placed on our hearts, and, what are we to prepare for.
There appears to be some growing anguish as we leave this shimitta year (a time for rest, for ourselves and the land, also, a time to return back to our Father YHWH). Some of the issues that were brought up would cause some of the younger mothers to have fear for the future. The intent was not to cause fear, but, to recognize that it is getting closer to our wedding day with Messiah, after the war then there will be peace.
We must remember that our Savior will return with a two edged sword. We are not to fear this world, but, to fear YHWH Yahweh, our El (our Daddy).
We as Ephraim are looking toward home, looking foward to rejoining with Judah without selfrightiousness.
We need to shed our own doctrines and pick up what our Father has said to us in the beginning (alev), this is where the end is also declared. Return to His right-rulings, t'shuvah(repent--return--do-not go back to our sin nature). We must prepare our hearts, our spirit, our emotions, and our physicial self for what is to come these next years before the end of this age. Our seventh day is upon us. Prepare the way for Elohim, YHWH Yahweh.
