Sunday, September 21, 2008

Are you listening to our Father before the end of the season?

Are you listening to our Father before the end of the season?

This past shabbat, a group of us met to discuss what our father has placed on our hearts, and, what are we to prepare for.
There appears to be some growing anguish as we leave this shimitta year (a time for rest, for ourselves and the land, also, a time to return back to our Father YHWH). Some of the issues that were brought up would cause some of the younger mothers to have fear for the future. The intent was not to cause fear, but, to recognize that it is getting closer to our wedding day with Messiah, after the war then there will be peace.
We must remember that our Savior will return with a two edged sword. We are not to fear this world, but, to fear YHWH Yahweh, our El (our Daddy).
We as Ephraim are looking toward home, looking foward to rejoining with Judah without selfrightiousness.
We need to shed our own doctrines and pick up what our Father has said to us in the beginning (alev), this is where the end is also declared. Return to His right-rulings, t'shuvah(repent--return--do-not go back to our sin nature). We must prepare our hearts, our spirit, our emotions, and our physicial self for what is to come these next years before the end of this age. Our seventh day is upon us. Prepare the way for Elohim, YHWH Yahweh.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Yah Thoughts

I will be writing my thoughts on Yahweh (YHVH, Jahovah), worries, concerns, and praises... Please do not get angry with me if we disagree on my understanding of end time prophecy, Bible interpretation, or if I seem to be upset or worried, I will use this blog to get my thoughts out so that I don't keep it bundled up inside. Please don't fault me.
I am turning into a fanatic... I guess I've always been a fanatic, I homeschool, home church, have a cow, grind my own wheat, make my own butter/cheese, can my own veggies, well, you get the idea. Thus the name of my blog Yeshua (translated Jesus) Fanatic. Our family has house churched on Friday evenings for 9 years and have regularly visited churches in our area as Yah (Yahweh) has sent us to do so. We have seen many things in churches, both good and bad. I will not be discussing what we have seen in the past only the direction Yah is sending us in the present and possibilities for the future. I will share Yah's direction these past months that pertain to our current situations.
My family and I have celebrated the Feasts of Yahweh and Shabbat (Sabbath), however, not consistently for 8 years. We have found ourselves reading the Old Covenant (Testament) and Seeking the Messiah in them. (He is everywhere!) We saw ourselves more comfortable with the Jewish people and ways than with Christians. We have felt uncomfortable in the Christian "church" and found it superficial and placating. Don't get me wrong, we are born again, spirit filled believers in Yahweh and Yeshua HaMoshiac (the Messiah). But the Christian church has become cultural, with programs and ear tickling sermons that no one studies, Sunday school lessons read from a book (not the True Word). Are there no deep thinkers in the Christian Church today? Have we become as babes needing milk and unable to chew strong meat? My heart grieves.
In June '07 we went to a homeschool convention and met a family that looked 'out of place'. I asked them about why they wore Jewish clothing, Tzit-Tziot (tassles or fringes) and kippot (Jewish head covering that men wear). They explained that they are Messianic Jews. I was intregued, finally someone that might be able to answer my questions about why I felt out of place or give me more insight as to who we were as Israel. I was quite moved by their story and we exchanged phone numbers. Our schedule was busy with the onset of school so our next contact with them would not come again until Oct. We visited their home one Shabbat day, all day. Finally, we felt freedom. This was home! This was Family! We sat in their living room, shared a meal, sang and danced, discussed, studied, learned, fellowshipped. It was amazing to finally find family.
We continued to visit them weekly for a couple of months (it was a two hour drive to their home) and we still visit them on occasion, but we are always in touch via phone, internet or whenever we can visit.
They invited us to go to a conference in December where we could learn and meet others that were like-minded. That was an eye opening experience that changed our lives forever.
It really wasn't anything anyone said. It wasn't anything anyone did. It was primarily a prompting of the Ruah HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) that told us we needed to follow His Commands ("If you love me, keep my commandments".) We have become Torah Observant, We don't call ourselves Messianic (Just another division in Yah's family, divisiveness is sin), we don't call ourselves Jews (Jews are from the tribes of Judah with Benjamin and Levi also represented), we don't call ourselves Christian, Although all of these labels can be used to describe where the Father has taken us... Our best explanation is this: we are our Father's children. He tells us where to go, what to do through His Word, Messiah, and the Ruah.
Since then, we have been studying the Word with new insight by Yah. There is so much to share! Our mind is changing, our heart is growing, our understanding is renewing! Yah continues to create a new creature from this unrighteous, failing man that we are. This and the articles that follow will be about what Yah is showing us as we travel into this difficult time in our world.

YHVH has called you out of Babylon

It is time to get rid of all the things that hold you to Babylon.
This includes worthless stuff that will not get you riches in heaven.
All the things that put us in bondage, because when Daddy calls us to move, it is not on our time, but, on his.
What are your idols that you worship that separates you from our Father?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welcome, Children of Israel!

Are you a first generation person leaving Egypt in the exodus, where you complained to Moses about everything and had to die before the promised land?

Or, are you a second generation person complaining about leaving Egypt and are ready for your inheritance? To take Caanan!